Committed to Moving Your Life to Israel? You Need to Find a Place to Call Home
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Committed to Moving Your Life to Israel? You Need to Find a Place to Call Home

The decision to move your life to Israel is a momentous one, but the single most important factor in the success of that move is finding not just a new place to live, but a new home. 

First of all you need to work out your key criteria for your new location.

  • Do you have family or friends in Israel you want to live close to?

  • Where will you work and how will you get there?

  • Do you want to be by the sea, or have you always dreamed of waking up in Jerusalem?

  • Do you want an apartment or a house? A city or a village?

Make a list of what matters to you and refer back to it as your home search progresses. Remember: only you know what is important to you, and your list should be as long or as short as you need it to be. 

To be successful in your new life in Israel, you need not just a place to live, but a community to live in and to be a part of. In Israel, neighbors really matter and whether or not you travel on Shabbat, it’s good to have the people and places you need close by. So even when you have selected an approximate location, check out the different areas around it.

There are reasons why “Anglos” often live near each other. Unless you speak fluent Hebrew and even if you do, you may find that you appreciate being somewhere where it is easy to track down an English speaking doctor, or join an English book club. Don’t worry, in most of Israel you will still be in a minority and get a chance to meet the Israeli neighbors and regularly to practise your Hebrew. 

Affordability, combined with the above, is obviously also a key issue. House prices are highest in the center of the country, and particularly in Tel Aviv and certain very desirable parts of Jerusalem. They are lowest in what is known as the country’s periphery – the far North and South of Israel, and places that are outside the 1967 borders.

You need to think about whether you want to buy or rent, and whichever of the two you choose, how you will finance particularly the initial costs.  Bear in mind, there’s no such thing in Israel as a 100% mortgage. There are costs associated with buying property even as a new immigrant, while if you rent, you will be expected to make certain payments up front especially if you have no one who can act as a guarantor for you.


Buying or renting is not just a financial decision though. It may well make sense to rent somewhere initially to check out the community, before committing to a particular property. Renting can also help you to hone your criteria and to identify what really matters to you in your long-term home in Israel. Normal rentals will be for a year, though it is possible to find sub-lets for a shorter period of time than this.


Finally, it is important to set things up properly before you make your move to Israel so that everything runs smoothly. Work out what you want to do with your existing home, and your bank accounts. If you are not going to close down everything, you will want to move all your administration online so that you can manage things from Israel. You may need an address to use, and to keep some sort of telephone number, to avoid emergency trips back to sort things out.

You will also want to think about how you can move money between your home country and Israel, particularly if you will not start work, and earning money in shekels, right away. 

This can all seem a little daunting. So take things step by step.

Choosing where to live is probably the single most significant decision you will take.  But it can also be an exciting adventure for you and for your family. It will determine who the new people will be in your life.

Wherever you choose you will find that those you meet are committed to giving you a warm welcome to Israel. 

IsraTransfer can act as your trusted partner to move your money into and out of Israel, offering better exchange rates than banks and a much smoother process. Find out more about us online at

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